Angel Of Happiness



Embrace the Quiet and Discover the Gold Within

Allow your soul the time, the space, and the quiet place it needs—a sanctuary free from undue outside influence. In this sacred space of quiet meditation and loving self-examination, you hold everything within you to explore the depths of your consciousness.

You have the power to recover the hidden gold within your soul, to return to the light, and to allow this light to illuminate your brilliance for yourself and those around you. There is no darkness within you that does not contain this hidden treasure, the Angel of Happiness waiting for:

  • Your willingness to embrace it.
  • Your openness to realize it.
  • Your courage to carry it into your consciousness and share it with the world.

Accept the Angel of Happiness

The loving presence of the Angels is here to support you, if you choose to welcome it.

  • Accept their blessings and gentle illumination.
  • Allow their love to surround and flow through you.
  • Remember, you are always and forever a child of God—loved, embraced, and protected.

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